Friday, March 12, 2010


Following is a Report from our Annual General Meeting, held on 11th Feb in Killeagh:

The A.G.M. of Killeagh/Inch Community Council was held in Killeagh Hall on Thursday 11th February. There was a good attendance present. Ollie Sheehan, of Carrigtwohill Community Council presided over the meeting. Following reports from our Secretary, Treasurer and Chairman the election of officers took place.

Officers for the coming year are as follows:

President: Fr. Corkery

Chairman: John Hurley

Vice Chair: Kathleen Rohan

Secretary: Carmel McNamee

Treasurer: Olivia O’Rourke

Asst. Treas: Anne O’Neill

P.R.O. Mary Landers.


PLAYGROUND: A report prepared by Mary Griffin was presented outlining that full planning permission had been obtained for the site which has been transferred to them in Glenbower Wood. Submissions are being made to SECAD and Cork County Council seeking grant aid and maintenance aid. The main fundraiser to date has been the BBQ which was held in Gazebos in August which was a great community night out and raised approx €6,000. Further fundraising will be discussed when the works commence.

MONDAY CLUB: Finbarr Motherway and Kathleen Rohan gave a comprehensive report on the activities of this club during the past year. Again this club goes from strength to strength running a number of courses and social activities. Highlights of the year included a day trip to Cahir, a night out to Opera House, Womens and Mens Health courses, hosting a Health Information evening, Arts & Crafts, and a very well attended Christmas Party. The Monday Club meets on the 1st Monday of every month in Killeagh Hall. All welcome

RURAL TRANSPORT: This venture was initiated during the past year. It runs every Friday departing from Killeagh at approx 9.30 a.m. and returning from Youghal at approx. 1.30 p.m. Numbers are good but there are seats available. This bus is free to those with free travel and a nominal fee is charged to those without. Please contact Finbarr Motherway or any member of the Community Council if you seek any information re same. New participants would be welcomed to ensure the continuance of this scheme.

COMMUNITY CARE: Margaret Scully gave a report on the current position with regard to personal alarms, smoke alarms and security lighting. These benefits are available to over 65’s who qualify for same. This scheme is now running and any enquiries should be directed to Margaret Scully, Ann O’Neill or Olivia O’Rourke. To date a number of alarms have been installed and a number of eligible people throughout our parish have benefited from this scheme.

TIDY TOWNS: This committee has to be commended for their trojan work on keeping our village decorated with flowers and plants. They were praised for their hard work on keeping our village tidy given its location on the main road from Cork to Rosslare. Fintan McCarthy was also mentioned for his tireless work in cleaning up our local area. This committee make our village a more pleasant place for us all.

PRIDE IN OUR COMMUNITY: An award was made to the Community Council by Muintir na Tire for their work under the above scheme. The project undertaken was a clean up of the Old Graveyard. A public appeal for help was made and there was a great response to same. Sadly the weather in the summer of 2009 did not do much to help the project but it is hoped to start again early in 2010. The work of all volunteers who gave of their time must be acknowledged. Volunteers will again be sought and any help will be greatly appreciated.

HISTORICAL: Ann O’Neill gave a report from this sub-committee and stated that the Catholic Church in Killeagh will be 150 years old next year and that the Historical Society were hoping to help mark this event. This committee continue their work researching and gathering information on all items of historical interest in our parish.

DEFIBRILLATORS were also discussed and it was agreed that this matter will have to be finalised at the March meeting. It is hoped to purchase defibrillators and initiate training courses at the first possible opportunity.

ROAD CONDITIONS: The meeting then continued with a general discussion on the atrocious road conditions that prevailed following the treacherous spell of bad weather over Christmas. All matters addressed will be forwarded to the Area Engineer for his attention.

ILLEGAL DUMPING was another matter discussed which is particularly appalling on the slip road running from the Tallow Road to Ballydaniel and Park School. This is a disgraceful practice and the Community Council are endeavouring to report and get to the root of this problem. also continues to operate very successfully. A new local business directory has been set up advertising local businesses at a cost of €20.00 per advert. There is a wealth of local information on this site. Why not check it out!

A vote of sympathy was passed to community council member Margaret Lucey and the Lucey family on the death of her father-in-law Johnny Lucey.

Our chairman John and his wife Yulia were congratulated on the birth of their new baby daughter.

The next meeting will be held in Inch on 4th March at 8 p.m. All members please try to attend. In his chairmans address John expressed disappointment that all members do not attend our meetings regularly so for 2010 let your resolution be to attend as often as possible.

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