Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The Monday Club

Hi All,

We've added a blog for information about the ongoing activities of the Monday Club.
You can find it here:

Thanks for your interest!

Monday, December 20, 2010

RE: timber

Hi all,

it now looks like Coillte will not be able to move their timber out of the wood until after Christmas. Because of this, we ask that you don't take any timber until Coillte have removed theirs.

Many thanks.

Sunday, December 19, 2010


From Monday Coillte will begin removing felled timber from the wood. Once they have removed their timber, the timber which was felled around the proposed playground will be available to members of the public.
The timber is in 6 to 9 foot lengths. No Chainsaws Please!

If you know someone who would benefit please let them know. Also, donations to the playground or the wood would be welcome!

As we mentioned earlier, replanting will be in native species.
Aroundabout February or March, Coillte plan to replant in mostly Oak, some Yew and Ash.

Also, we've received some questions about the ownership of the playground land. This year the land for the playground was signed over to the playground.

Finally - PLEASE observe the safety notices for the duration of planting & felling.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

AGM postponed due to weather.

LATE NOTICE: We will postpone our AGM until Wednesday 8th Dec at 8PM in Killeagh (due to the weather. Please spread the word.

Also, in these conditions, keep a look out for your neighbour. Simple things like a visit, getting groceries or medicine can make a big difference to anyone who is housebound due to the weather.
For more information, visit muintir.ie or call 062 51163