Friday, October 5, 2012

Community Open Day

On Sunday 21st October there will be a community day held in Killeagh Hall from 2 - 5 PM.

There will be a number of stands showcasing many of the activities available in our area. Expect to see many clubs, societies and community organisations showing their wares.

"See what your community can do for you, and maybe what you can do for your community"

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Launch of Book on the history of Killeagh Parish

Amidst a packed audience numbering over 250 people David Kelly, engineer and historian, in the opening speech spoke of the monumental work the book presented and was sure the extensive family genealogies outlined would stir everyone’s appetite to read it. He formally announced the book launched and was presented with a copy by Anne O’Neill, Chairman of the Killeagh/Inch Historical Group. David Kelly, also a contributor to the book, wrote an interesting chapter on the architecture of St John the Baptist Parish Church in which honour the book was written.
Other speakers included John Hogan - National President of Muintir na Tire
Fr. Broderick of Killeagh, Brinsley McDonnell - Chairman of the Killeagh/Inch Community Council and Nuala O’Connell of SECAD.
John Hogan stressed the importance of recording histories, old names and places which were frequently lost in the passage of time. He also dwelled on the increase in crime and made a plea for the maintenance of rural services such as Garda stations to combat this increase. Father Broderick PP in his address referred to the time when there were 9 weddings in the parish on one Shrove Tuesday. No weddings were allowed in Lent so you got a lot on the day before Lent started. He also stressed the recoding of history to preserve the Irish language and mentioned how grateful he was that Father Power 150 years ago, when St John the Baptist was first built, wrote a book of sermons,Teagasc ar an Sean-Tiomma, in the Irish language. The last talker was Nuala O’Connell who said that SECAD was committed to helping community based projects and wished the historical committee every success with the sales of the book. Paudie Lee, Secretary presented her with a copy.
Over tea and refreshments the Killeagh/Inch Historical Group showed extracts of the book on a slide projector set up by Paudi Lee whilst Bernadette Buckley Twomey showed her musical skills by playing delightful background music on the piano.
Other guests present included Sanda McLellan, TD, David Stanton, TD, Edward Wallace, Chairman of the Cork Genealogical Society, Mrs O’Brien, a prominent senior citizen who was also presented with a book, Seamus Forde of Muintir na Tirea and Dr Kieran Groeger, retired Principal of Youghal CBC.
Also present were members of local Historical Societies, neighbouring Community Councils and local clubs.
The evening ended off with presentations to Anne O’Neill and Paudi Lee in recognition of the contribution they made in writing and researching the book and finally Finbarr Motherway, The Master of Ceremonies, closed the evening.
The Historical Group would like to thank all the people who submitted photographs, records and their family memories both past and present. Without them the book would not have been a success. A big thank you.
Copies of the book will be available from shops in Killeagh and Youghal or can also be purchased by phoning Sean Mc Carthy (02495257) or Neville Dent (0857184892)
For further information, please contact:
Neville Dent
Mob. No.: 0857184892
Sean McCarthy
Landline: 024- 95257

Owners of Hisroric houses in Killeagh Lto R. Lucy & James Perrot of Ballyre with Steven & Eileen Ottman of Castletown

Mrs O'Brien being presented with a book by Denise Geary

LtoR. Finbarr Motherway, Sandra McLellan -TD, Sean McCarthy

L to R. Paudie Lee, Finbarr Motherway, David Kelly B.E, C.Eng.F.I.E.I., Brinsley McDonnell, Anne O'Neill showing off the book

David Stanton, TD, Anne O'Neill Chairman of the killeagh Inch HistoricaL Group, John Logan, Finbarr Motherway,Nuala O'Connell and Dr Kieran Groeger

Defibrillator Training

Last Friday night we had a defibrillator training in Inch.
Eleven of us trained, and it was a great evening. We learned basic CPR for adults, children and babies, in addition to how to deal with choking and how to recognise a stroke.

There will be more training courses coming up, and please consider the training. It only costs €50, and if you are a student, we may be able to cover part of the cost for you.

Anyway, here's some pics from the night!

Practicing how to give CPR to a baby.

Watching how the experts do it.

Warren, one of our trainers. Great guy.

Practicing CPR on the adult mannequins.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Defibrillator public meeting

  • Hi All,
    There will be a public meeting about the Defibrillator in Mount Uniacke.
    The meeting will be in Inch Hall on Wednesday 8th Feb at 7:30PM
    Please come along!
    We will look at signing up people for training and looking at the best way of utilising this life-saving equipment.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Killeagh Point to Point January 2012

Boys enjoying the racing

Girls enjoying the racing

Dermot Gallagher, Jimmy Mangan & Moss Hartnett

Cyril Reaney & Brian Stanton

Willie O’Neill, Andy Leahy, Mike Kelly and Tom Walsh

Tom Geary, Ed O’Neill with Maurice & Joe Smiddy

Members of Killeagh Camogie Club who provided soup and sandwiches

Tommy O Brien presents the O’Brien perpetual cup to Sharon and John Flavin, also included is Brendan Barry sponsor

GAA President Christy Cooney visits the Inch/Killeagh Monday Club

Mrs Mary O Connor and Christy Cooney

Christy Cooney and Miss Scully

Christy Cooney pictured with members of the Monday Club

Monday Club members

Finbarr Motherway, Tim O Brien and Christy Cooney

Christy Cooney and Sean McCarthy

Pictured with the Bulmer’s Golden Apple is winner Amy Murphy with Brinsley McDonnell and Michael Cowhig, members of Killeagh Inch Community Council

Kind Donation of €2,500

As part of Bulmers' Doing Our Bit campaign Bulmers has hidden 17 golden apples, each worth €5,000, in Christmas promotional packs of Bulmers' cans and longnecks. Each of the 17 lucky golden apple winners will win €2,500 for themselves, in addition to €2,500 for a community project of their choice.

The first lucky winner is stay at home mum, Amy Murphy from Killeagh, County Cork. Amy has decided to donate €2,500 to the Killeagh Inch Community Council. "Killeagh Inch Community Council does everything and anything for the community managing a whole range of community projects from installing a defibrillator and training up a group of volunteers to use it, to offering: community care; a Monday Club for the active retired and a historical society. They are very active within the community and have a huge effect on the quality of life for those living in the village." said Amy.

Thanks Amy!!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Successful Launch of Killeagh Book.

The Community hall in Killeagh provided an ideal setting for the launch of “Killeagh Parish Through the Ages” on Friday 18th November 2011.

Amidst a packed audience numbering over 250 people David Kelly, engineer and historian, in the opening speech spoke of the monumental work the book presented and was sure the extensive family genealogies outlined would stir everyone’s appetite to read it. He formally announced the book launched and was presented with a copy by Anne O’Neill, Chairman of the Killeagh/Inch Historical Group. David Kelly, also a contributor to the book, wrote an interesting chapter on the architecture of St John the Baptist Parish Church in which honour the book was written.

Other speakers included John Hogan - National President of Muintir na Tire
Fr. Broderick of Killeagh, Brinsley McDonnell - Chairman of the Killeagh/Inch Community Council and Nuala O’Connell of SECAD.

John Hogan stressed the importance of recording histories, old names and places which were frequently lost in the passage of time. He also dwelled on the increase in crime and made a plea for the maintenance of rural services such as Garda stations to combat this increase. Father Broderick PP in his address referred to the time when there were 9 weddings in the parish on one Shrove Tuesday. No weddings were allowed in Lent so you got a lot on the day before Lent started. He also stressed the recoding of history to preserve the Irish language and mentioned how grateful he was that Father Power 150 years ago, when St John the Baptist was first built, wrote a book of sermons,Teagasc ar an Sean-Tiomma, in the Irish language. The last talker was Nuala O’Connell who said that SECAD was committed to helping community based projects and wished the historical committee every success with the sales of the book. Paudie Lee, Secretary presented her with a copy.

Over tea and refreshments the Killeagh/Inch Historical Group showed extracts of the book on a slide projector set up by Paudi Lee whilst Bernadette Buckley Twomey showed her musical skills by playing delightful background music on the piano.

Other guests present included Sanda McLellan, TD, David Stanton, TD, Edward Wallace, Chairman of the Cork Genealogical Society, Mrs O’Brien, a prominent senior citizen who was also presented with a book, Seamus Forde of Muintir na Tirea and Dr Kieran Groeger, retired Principal of Youghal CBC.

Also present were members of local Historical Societies, neighbouring Community Councils and local clubs.

The evening ended off with presentations to Anne O’Neill and Paudi Lee in recognition of the contribution they made in writing and researching the book and finally Finbarr Motherway, The Master of Ceremonies, closed the evening.

The Historical Group would like to thank all the people who submitted photographs, records and their family memories both past and present. Without them the book would not have been a success. A big thank you.

Copies of the book will be available from shops in Killeagh and Youghal or can also be purchased by phoning Sean Mc Carthy (02495257) or Neville Dent (0857184892)

For further information, please contact:

Neville Dent

Mob. No.: 0857184892

Sean McCarthy

Landline: 024- 95257

Owners of Hisroric houses in Killeagh Lto R. Lucy & James Perrot of Ballyre with Steven & Eileen Ottman of Castletown

Mrs O'Brien being presented with a book by Denise Geary

LtoR. Finbarr Motherway, Sandra McLellan -TD, Sean McCarthy

L to R. Paudie Lee, Finbarr Motherway, David Kelly B.E, C.Eng.F.I.E.I., Brinsley McDonnell, Anne O'Neill showing off the book

David Stanton, TD, Anne O'Neill Chairman of the killeagh Inch HistoricaL Group, John Logan, Finbarr Motherway,Nuala O'Connell and Dr Kieran Groeger