Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The Monday Club

Hi All,

We've added a blog for information about the ongoing activities of the Monday Club.
You can find it here:

Thanks for your interest!

Monday, December 20, 2010

RE: timber

Hi all,

it now looks like Coillte will not be able to move their timber out of the wood until after Christmas. Because of this, we ask that you don't take any timber until Coillte have removed theirs.

Many thanks.

Sunday, December 19, 2010


From Monday Coillte will begin removing felled timber from the wood. Once they have removed their timber, the timber which was felled around the proposed playground will be available to members of the public.
The timber is in 6 to 9 foot lengths. No Chainsaws Please!

If you know someone who would benefit please let them know. Also, donations to the playground or the wood would be welcome!

As we mentioned earlier, replanting will be in native species.
Aroundabout February or March, Coillte plan to replant in mostly Oak, some Yew and Ash.

Also, we've received some questions about the ownership of the playground land. This year the land for the playground was signed over to the playground.

Finally - PLEASE observe the safety notices for the duration of planting & felling.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

AGM postponed due to weather.

LATE NOTICE: We will postpone our AGM until Wednesday 8th Dec at 8PM in Killeagh (due to the weather. Please spread the word.

Also, in these conditions, keep a look out for your neighbour. Simple things like a visit, getting groceries or medicine can make a big difference to anyone who is housebound due to the weather.
For more information, visit muintir.ie or call 062 51163

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Felling in Glenbower wood

Felling at Glenbower Wood being carried out by Coilte from Monday 29th for 2-3 weeks.
Please observe safety notices while using the wood during this period.
Re-planting of decedious species will replace felled conifers.
Contact John Landi 087-9681074 should you have any queries.

Monday, November 15, 2010


Our launch of the First Responder Group and defibrillator will take place tomorrow night (tuesday 16th Nov) at 8 PM in Killeagh hall.

Please come along to support the group. And well done to those who will get their certificates on the night. Tune in soon for some photos to go with this.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

First Responder Group

On Tuesday night we are going to launch our First Responder Group.
We'll kick off at 7 PM and show people our brand new shiny De-Fib.
Also there will be a little demo of how it all works, plus how to save a person who's choking.
Come along and support us for the night!

On a different topic, do you know anyone who would benefit from the use of the Rural Transport Scheme? We have a bus that travels from Killeagh to Mt. Uniake to Youghal. Please contact us at killeaghinch@gmail.com if you, or someone you know, is interested.

Thursday, November 11, 2010


Our AGM is coming up on Thursday 2nd December at 8 PM in Killeagh.

Everyone is welcome to attend. The current community council will stand down at that point, and our newly elected council will take over.

Also we will have elections for new officers at that time. (Plus tea & coffee, and cookies if you're good)

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Some upcoming events

We have taken delivery of a De-fibrillator, and hope to launch our First Responders group in November. The probable date is Nov 16th in Killeagh Hall. come along if you're interested! Would you like to train in how to use this life-saving piece of equipment?

The playground is getting closer. At the moment we are waiting for final approval from South and East Cork Area Development (SECAD). Once this comes through we can get contractors on site to begin work. FINGERS CROSSED!

Finished Wall

We finally got there!
With a huge effort from some volunteers, we have a repaired wall (with stone facing) in the old graveyard in Killeagh Village.

It looks great, and there are a load of people to thank from those who helped clean up, to those gave their time to those who donated materials (especially the stone!)

In the end we got a prize of €100 for the 'Pride in our Communities' competition, but that was more than spent on materials such as cement, etc.

Below are two pictures of the almost completed wall (it was waiting for a cap to be put on when I took the photos)

Thursday, September 30, 2010

St. Fergal's Primary School

The parent's association of St. Fergal's primary school are currently trying to raise €20,000 for work in the school.

On the 9th October they will hold a sale of work in the Community Hall in Killeagh - so please feel free to contribute something for the sale, or come along to support the school.

Graveyard update

We have had great progress on the graveyard wall. Two volunteers have worked in their free time for September and have nearly completed the stone facing of the wall. I'll get photos up soon of the wall and the lads, but a very big thank-you to both of them!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Begging letter!

Hi All,

As you can see from the pictures below, we've done very well in the old Graveyard in Killeagh. Unfortunately, we've hit a snag - we don't have enough stone to finish the job of facing off the wall in stone.

The stone we need it limestone, if you have any to spare, or know someone who might, please let us know so that we can get the graveyard looking even better!

Many thanks - and thanks to all the volunteers who gave up their evenings this summer!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Family Day in Glenbower

We have a great way to celebrate the August Bank Holiday weekend. There will be a family fun day in Glenbower wood on Monday 2nd August.

Music and lots of other things planned for the day, but watch here for more information soon!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Volunteers Wanted!

The Pride In Our Communities competition has begun.

For our part in this we have started work on cleaning up the old graveyard in Killeagh.
Work will take place every Tuesday night at 8 PM for the next number of weeks.

We are hoping to re-build the fallen sections of wall between the two old cemeteries; to clean all the footpaths; to place a seat inside the front gate; to repaint the gates; to remove weeds and overgrowth.

So, if you would like to play a part in improving the cemetery, come along next Tuesday!
Especially if you have a strimmer, hedge trimmer, hoe, paint-brush, brush, or can lay a few blocks.
Looking forward to seeing you!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Last night we had our first training session for a de-fibrillator for Killeagh and Inch. 12 people took part in the training which will be completed tonight. Many thanks to those who are taking part in the training - it's a very busy two evenings that they are giving up.

Shortly we will take delivery of a de-fibrillator and will set up an emergency call-out system in the parish.

During the Summer we plan to train some more people in the use of the De-fib machine, and work up to an effective call out system where a team of people across the parish will be trained in the use of this life-saving equipment.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Suicide Alertness

We had our training last night in SafeTALK, a programme designed to give people skills to help those thinking of suicide.
It was a very successful evening with 22 volunteers coming along for the training - many thanks to them for giving up their time.

If you are concerned about suicide, the HSE suicide prevention helpline is 1800 742 745 and it's open daily from 6 - 10 PM.

Here's some of the people who turned up -

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Community Alert Update

It seems that there is an upsurge in crime in the East Cork area. Here's a few pointers to help keep you & your property safer.

Cars - lots of theft from cars. Don't leave sat-navs, wallets, purses, mobiles visible in your car.
Agri-machinery is being targeted. Keep an eye out, and if you see something suspicious, call the guards.

Keep tools (especially power tools) locked in a shed when not in use.

Lock your doors!!! A surprisingly large number of burglaries take place through an unlocked door.

Lock your gates. Theft of home heating oil and diesel is becoming more common. Don't make it easy for them.

Know your workmen. Don't let people start on a job if you didn't ask them. There are bogus tradespeople out there. Be willing to ask people for I.D, and call the guards if you're suspicious (youghal station at 024 92200)

Friday, April 9, 2010

National Spring Clean

It's that time of year!
We are looking for volunteers on Tuesday nights over the Month of April.
Starting next Tuesday 13th April.
At 7 PM one group will meet in Mt. Uniake to clean up around the environs of the village, while in Killeagh a group will meet outside the hall to clean up around Killeagh.
Don't be shy - look forward to seeing you there!

Coming soon will be "Pride in our Communities" . This year the closing date for applications is May 15th. We hope to take on a great project for the summer, so keep an eye out for it!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Community Alert

There have been a number of break in's recently in the Killeagh Area.
A large number of burglaries take place through an unlocked door!
Make sure doors are locked, and if you see anything suspicious report it to the Gardaí
Youghal 024 92200
Midleton 021 463 1324

Friday, March 12, 2010


Following is a Report from our Annual General Meeting, held on 11th Feb in Killeagh:

The A.G.M. of Killeagh/Inch Community Council was held in Killeagh Hall on Thursday 11th February. There was a good attendance present. Ollie Sheehan, of Carrigtwohill Community Council presided over the meeting. Following reports from our Secretary, Treasurer and Chairman the election of officers took place.

Officers for the coming year are as follows:

President: Fr. Corkery

Chairman: John Hurley

Vice Chair: Kathleen Rohan

Secretary: Carmel McNamee

Treasurer: Olivia O’Rourke

Asst. Treas: Anne O’Neill

P.R.O. Mary Landers.


PLAYGROUND: A report prepared by Mary Griffin was presented outlining that full planning permission had been obtained for the site which has been transferred to them in Glenbower Wood. Submissions are being made to SECAD and Cork County Council seeking grant aid and maintenance aid. The main fundraiser to date has been the BBQ which was held in Gazebos in August which was a great community night out and raised approx €6,000. Further fundraising will be discussed when the works commence.

MONDAY CLUB: Finbarr Motherway and Kathleen Rohan gave a comprehensive report on the activities of this club during the past year. Again this club goes from strength to strength running a number of courses and social activities. Highlights of the year included a day trip to Cahir, a night out to Opera House, Womens and Mens Health courses, hosting a Health Information evening, Arts & Crafts, and a very well attended Christmas Party. The Monday Club meets on the 1st Monday of every month in Killeagh Hall. All welcome

RURAL TRANSPORT: This venture was initiated during the past year. It runs every Friday departing from Killeagh at approx 9.30 a.m. and returning from Youghal at approx. 1.30 p.m. Numbers are good but there are seats available. This bus is free to those with free travel and a nominal fee is charged to those without. Please contact Finbarr Motherway or any member of the Community Council if you seek any information re same. New participants would be welcomed to ensure the continuance of this scheme.

COMMUNITY CARE: Margaret Scully gave a report on the current position with regard to personal alarms, smoke alarms and security lighting. These benefits are available to over 65’s who qualify for same. This scheme is now running and any enquiries should be directed to Margaret Scully, Ann O’Neill or Olivia O’Rourke. To date a number of alarms have been installed and a number of eligible people throughout our parish have benefited from this scheme.

TIDY TOWNS: This committee has to be commended for their trojan work on keeping our village decorated with flowers and plants. They were praised for their hard work on keeping our village tidy given its location on the main road from Cork to Rosslare. Fintan McCarthy was also mentioned for his tireless work in cleaning up our local area. This committee make our village a more pleasant place for us all.

PRIDE IN OUR COMMUNITY: An award was made to the Community Council by Muintir na Tire for their work under the above scheme. The project undertaken was a clean up of the Old Graveyard. A public appeal for help was made and there was a great response to same. Sadly the weather in the summer of 2009 did not do much to help the project but it is hoped to start again early in 2010. The work of all volunteers who gave of their time must be acknowledged. Volunteers will again be sought and any help will be greatly appreciated.

HISTORICAL: Ann O’Neill gave a report from this sub-committee and stated that the Catholic Church in Killeagh will be 150 years old next year and that the Historical Society were hoping to help mark this event. This committee continue their work researching and gathering information on all items of historical interest in our parish.

DEFIBRILLATORS were also discussed and it was agreed that this matter will have to be finalised at the March meeting. It is hoped to purchase defibrillators and initiate training courses at the first possible opportunity.

ROAD CONDITIONS: The meeting then continued with a general discussion on the atrocious road conditions that prevailed following the treacherous spell of bad weather over Christmas. All matters addressed will be forwarded to the Area Engineer for his attention.

ILLEGAL DUMPING was another matter discussed which is particularly appalling on the slip road running from the Tallow Road to Ballydaniel and Park School. This is a disgraceful practice and the Community Council are endeavouring to report and get to the root of this problem.

www.killeagh-inch.org also continues to operate very successfully. A new local business directory has been set up advertising local businesses at a cost of €20.00 per advert. There is a wealth of local information on this site. Why not check it out!

A vote of sympathy was passed to community council member Margaret Lucey and the Lucey family on the death of her father-in-law Johnny Lucey.

Our chairman John and his wife Yulia were congratulated on the birth of their new baby daughter.

The next meeting will be held in Inch on 4th March at 8 p.m. All members please try to attend. In his chairmans address John expressed disappointment that all members do not attend our meetings regularly so for 2010 let your resolution be to attend as often as possible.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Suicide Alertness Programme

We have changed the date of the suicide alertness training to the 15th April. There are spaces available, so if you would like to take part, contact us by emailing killeaghinch@gmail.com
The training will take place from 7 to 10 PM on that Thursday.

Suicide Alertness Programme

We have changed the date of the suicide alertness training to the 15th April. There are spaces available, so if you would like to take part, contact us by emailing killeaghinch@gmail.com
The training will take place from 7 to 10 PM on that Thursday.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

St. Vincent de Paul

For anyone in the Killeagh area who wishes to contact SVP, the contact number is:
086 211 3588

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Glenbower Wood & Lake

Coillte will begin felling of certain areas of Glenbower wood next week.
The land at the left side of the road from the Metal Bridge to the second barrier and two other small sites further up will be the first for felling.

Please observe safety precautions if you are going to be near any of these areas!

The felled areas will be replanted with native broadleaf species. Eventually, Glenbower will be replanted as a native broadleaf woodland.

There will be more felling later in the year, with replanting hoping to begin soon.

Monday, February 22, 2010


We are going to arrange training for Suicide Awareness on April 1st in Killeagh Hall. This training will be provided by the National Office of Suicide Prevention.
The training will be free of charge, and run from 7PM until 10 or 10.30 that evening. (just one evening)

If you are interested, or know of anyone who is interested, please tell them to contact us at killeaghinch@gmail.com

If you want more information on the programme, you can download the brochure by CLICKING HERE

Friday, February 19, 2010

County Development Plan

Yesterday, Thursday 18th members of the community council met to discuss the upcoming county development plan, and how it relates to Killeagh and Inch.
Following the meeting we are preparing submissions to Cork County Council on a number of points. Please feel free to comment on what's below by emailing killeaghinch@gmail.com
We will make our official submission next week.
Following is an outline of the points we will make towards the County Development Plan.
  1. The water supply to Killeagh Village is inadequate. This issue has been raised a number of times with Cork County Council and in the Dáil.
  2. The graveyard on the Cork Road is nearly at capacity. We are looking for the provision of a new graveyard.
  3. The old development plan allows for the development of a second primary school on the Cork Road. Keep this in the plans.
  4. Parts of Killeagh Village are an Architectural Conservation Area. We would like to see some structures listed as protected structures.
  5. Maintain the existing zonings at Inch, Ballymackibbot (the area around Inch Primary School) and Mt. Uniake. (Current zoning is as a Village Nucleus)
  6. Revise the speed limits for Mt. Uniake and Ballymackibbot.
  7. In the long term there is a bypass planned of Killeagh and Castlemartyr. We would like the route for the bypass made public and access points for the village clarified.
  8. Look at the long-term feasibility of re-opening the railway to Youghal, with a stop in Killeagh.
The existing County Plan for the Midleton Electoral Area can be downloaded HERE. The section relating to Killeagh can be found at page 64 - 67. The section relating to Inch can be found at page 118 - 119. (if you print out the plan, then look for pages 56 and 108)

Sunday, February 14, 2010

County Development Plan

Members of the Community Council will meet this week to discuss submissions for the County Development plan, and how it relates to Killeagh.
Do you have any ideas for the future development of the area?
Let us know your ideas by emailing us at killeaghinch@gmail.com

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Village Enhancement training

Secad are launching a new training for Village and Local Area Enhancement.
The course looks really good, but places are very limited.
Killeagh and Inch Community hope to have two members travel to the training, but other organisations may be eligible to apply.

Click on THIS LINK for some more information about the training. Note that applications must be in by next Tuesday, 2nd February.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Other Community Councils

Here are links to some other community councils in East Cork:

Ballymacoda and Ladysbridge Community Council Click Here.

Ballintotis Community Council Click Here

Monday, January 18, 2010

Global Action Plan Training

GAP training will begin in Killeagh Hall at 7.30 23rd February. A great chance to learn how to save some money while being environmentally friendly!
Make it your new year's resolution.

Friday, January 15, 2010


The AGM of Killeagh Inch Community Council will be held in Killeagh Hall on Thursday 11th February at 8 PM.
Posters will go up in the village shortly about the AGM, and it is open for members of the public to attend.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Playground Update

In December Cork County Council granted planning permission for the playground in Glenbower. We are now working to secure funding so that work can begin.

When we get more news we'll let you know!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Good Neighbours

A reminder to any of you with infirm or elderly neighbours. Take some time out to see if they need any help in this weather. See if they need prescriptions filled, a litre of milk, or just a bit of company if they're housebound!