Thursday, February 25, 2010

Glenbower Wood & Lake

Coillte will begin felling of certain areas of Glenbower wood next week.
The land at the left side of the road from the Metal Bridge to the second barrier and two other small sites further up will be the first for felling.

Please observe safety precautions if you are going to be near any of these areas!

The felled areas will be replanted with native broadleaf species. Eventually, Glenbower will be replanted as a native broadleaf woodland.

There will be more felling later in the year, with replanting hoping to begin soon.

Monday, February 22, 2010


We are going to arrange training for Suicide Awareness on April 1st in Killeagh Hall. This training will be provided by the National Office of Suicide Prevention.
The training will be free of charge, and run from 7PM until 10 or 10.30 that evening. (just one evening)

If you are interested, or know of anyone who is interested, please tell them to contact us at

If you want more information on the programme, you can download the brochure by CLICKING HERE

Friday, February 19, 2010

County Development Plan

Yesterday, Thursday 18th members of the community council met to discuss the upcoming county development plan, and how it relates to Killeagh and Inch.
Following the meeting we are preparing submissions to Cork County Council on a number of points. Please feel free to comment on what's below by emailing
We will make our official submission next week.
Following is an outline of the points we will make towards the County Development Plan.
  1. The water supply to Killeagh Village is inadequate. This issue has been raised a number of times with Cork County Council and in the Dáil.
  2. The graveyard on the Cork Road is nearly at capacity. We are looking for the provision of a new graveyard.
  3. The old development plan allows for the development of a second primary school on the Cork Road. Keep this in the plans.
  4. Parts of Killeagh Village are an Architectural Conservation Area. We would like to see some structures listed as protected structures.
  5. Maintain the existing zonings at Inch, Ballymackibbot (the area around Inch Primary School) and Mt. Uniake. (Current zoning is as a Village Nucleus)
  6. Revise the speed limits for Mt. Uniake and Ballymackibbot.
  7. In the long term there is a bypass planned of Killeagh and Castlemartyr. We would like the route for the bypass made public and access points for the village clarified.
  8. Look at the long-term feasibility of re-opening the railway to Youghal, with a stop in Killeagh.
The existing County Plan for the Midleton Electoral Area can be downloaded HERE. The section relating to Killeagh can be found at page 64 - 67. The section relating to Inch can be found at page 118 - 119. (if you print out the plan, then look for pages 56 and 108)

Sunday, February 14, 2010

County Development Plan

Members of the Community Council will meet this week to discuss submissions for the County Development plan, and how it relates to Killeagh.
Do you have any ideas for the future development of the area?
Let us know your ideas by emailing us at