Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Killeagh Water Supply.
The community council has recently been informed that the promised upgrade of the water supply to the village is not to happen for the present. No commitment has been given for a potential start date. this is being actively pursued by the community council with all local TD's and this space for further notices or updates.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

pride in your community competion

a general clean upof the old grave yard in killeagh has been entered for the above competition. we are hoping to hold a community night where by any volunteer will come with their time and tools to help in the clean up of the graveyard. we are hoping to restore an old stone wall. so watch this space for furhter notice of this night judging will take place between mid july and mid August.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

De-Fibrillator Public Meeting

On June 29th there will be a public meeting in Killeagh Hall at 8 PM to discuss the purchase of a de-fibrillator.  The meeting will be attended by Mr. Bernard Flynn, and as part of the meeting we will examine how best to use a de-fibrillator in our area.
Your attendance will be greatly appreciated.